What We Believe:
Very briefly...
We believe that the Bible and the Lord Jesus Christ are the final, inspired, inerrant and living Word of God to mankind for all time and the only rule for true faith and practice.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal and divine Son of God, who took on the form of a man, being born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and performed miracles during His earthly ministry.
We believe that Jesus Christ willingly offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of His people and that He died as a substitute for them on the cross, taking upon Himself their sins and the judgment of God once and for all.
We believe that Jesus was buried and on the first day of the week rose bodily from being dead. After appearing to many witnesses, Jesus ascended to heaven where He sovereignly rules over all the affairs of mankind. One day He will return in all His heavenly glory with His angels at which time He will judge mankind.
We believe that every person is born a sinner, spiritually dead and is in rebellion against God. Because of this, every person is in need of a Savior. Due to our spiritual condition, there is nothing that anyone can do or contribute in any way to earn their own salvation, it is a free gift of God's grace. Therefore to know the salvation of God in Jesus Christ, a person must be born again spiritually by Holy Spirit that they then might believe and be saved.
These are some of the tenants of the Reformed Faith as summarized in the Westminster Confession and its Catechisms.
A more detailed summary of what we believe as a Church is found in the historic Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
For more information on the Reformed Faith see: "What is the Reformed Faith?"
Very briefly...
We believe that the Bible and the Lord Jesus Christ are the final, inspired, inerrant and living Word of God to mankind for all time and the only rule for true faith and practice.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal and divine Son of God, who took on the form of a man, being born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and performed miracles during His earthly ministry.
We believe that Jesus Christ willingly offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of His people and that He died as a substitute for them on the cross, taking upon Himself their sins and the judgment of God once and for all.
We believe that Jesus was buried and on the first day of the week rose bodily from being dead. After appearing to many witnesses, Jesus ascended to heaven where He sovereignly rules over all the affairs of mankind. One day He will return in all His heavenly glory with His angels at which time He will judge mankind.
We believe that every person is born a sinner, spiritually dead and is in rebellion against God. Because of this, every person is in need of a Savior. Due to our spiritual condition, there is nothing that anyone can do or contribute in any way to earn their own salvation, it is a free gift of God's grace. Therefore to know the salvation of God in Jesus Christ, a person must be born again spiritually by Holy Spirit that they then might believe and be saved.
These are some of the tenants of the Reformed Faith as summarized in the Westminster Confession and its Catechisms.
A more detailed summary of what we believe as a Church is found in the historic Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
For more information on the Reformed Faith see: "What is the Reformed Faith?"